How to Be Genuine in a Narcissistic World

October 15, 2023

If you ever wondered if Andy Warhol was a visionary, those doubts should end by the very existence and popularity of social media. When Warhol opined about 50 years ago that everyone was seeking 15 minutes of fame, he was not only prescient, but severely underestimated the need for constant validation.

Of course, it all goes back to the ego, and almost nobody ever lost out by flattering someone’s ego and giving someone the opportunity to talk about themselves.

So for those out there who (remarkably) don’t buy into this need, or somehow, some way, feel secure enough to not always think or talk about themselves, there is a real conundrum: How on earth to act, feel, and most importantly, be genuine in this environment? Added to this challenge is the unmistakable increase in brutality in day to day relations, fostered by a polarized society. Although there is certainly no surefire formula, there are certain things that just might help you maintain your genuineness:

1. Never stray too far from your true feelings and thoughts; eliminate the need to impose those beliefs on others. It’s more than enough that you are secure in your beliefs.

2. If someone makes a comment about you personally that you feel is uncalled for, or is negative, a simple reply such as “that’s not a very charming thing to say,” might stop them dead in their tracks. This communicates your knowledge they are operating so far away from a charming level.

3. Project love on the people that push your buttons the most. By doing so, you acknowledge that we are all one on a certain energy level, and you allow your positive energy to bounce back to you instead of the negative energy from a reactive response.

4. Visualize people coming together for some common good. Your visualizing this can have a real effect on it occurring. Never underestimate the power of your energy.

5. Take a few moments and a few breaths(haha)to be so grateful that you have a healthy sense of self worth, that you aspire to be genuine, and that you intend to share love with every other sentient being.



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