Control is one of those elusive issues for sure: we all want some type of agency over our lives but shrink from admitting that it is conscious desire. The first step in letting go of this need to control is to admit that you have it!
There you go- that wasn’t so hard, right? Now comes the more difficult part: how do we let go enough so that things can flow more smoothly in our lives and we don’t end up sabotaging our best efforts?
This is where it gets dicey: in order to really let go of control, especially when things happen that are outside of our comfort zone, or pre-programmed script, we have to believe that everything happening is for the best. A tall order indeed, when even the most heartbreaking thing occurs- the rule applies: think that it is happening for the best.
I know that this is a big stretch and that it requires all the things we customarily try and avoid: having faith, going into the vast unknown without a guide, and believing that the universe is a lot smarter than our limited minds and points of view. In order to really let go of control, all the above must be activated. Are you ready to jump off that cliff???