We can all agree that life is about change, but I’m not sure that you have considered the extent to which every aspect of your life can shift-and that shift can be instantaneous or take time: it depends on the circumstances.
I’m not just talking about your fortune or the arc of your relationships; I’m talking about more than that: would it surprise you to learn that your body is completely remade every six months, and that you can input many of those changes?
Many great thinkers have floated the idea that your reality is all thought- meaning that what you believe or think eventually translates into your physical reality.
The dicey part is how to access and moderate this process: what can actually be achieved and how long does it take. There are no definitive answers to these questions because every human is on a different life trajectory and has different capabilities and beliefs. It has to be one of life’s most intriguing issues worth exploring: how malleable is your life?