June 11, 2024

It seems pretty obvious that things change quite rapidly in today’s world. But I’m sure that the same thing was true even in the 1950’s-even though looking back at that decade may give a different impression.

The challenge that we all face is how to respond to the seemingly endless amount of change on a daily basis. Coupled with that is the vast amount of information that society tells us we should be acquainted with, or even concerned about: it all adds up to a greater burden on each and every one of us to keep up- and I’m sure that this accounts for the widespread use of all kinds of pharmaceuticals to manage this information/change.

How best to proceed? I believe that this new reality mandates new coping methods, and these processes need to be practiced on a regular basis-because lapses often result in setbacks that are hard to overcome. Things like a dedicated meditation practice, yoga, exercise of all kinds, help create antidotes to rapid change-and eliminating negative people(relatives included) from our lives are essential too. None of these things happen without effort, but the effort is so worth it because along with the challenges that rapid change brings, the flip side is that new and greater opportunities are created: the catch to all this is that we need to be at peak performance to take advantage of them.



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