June 6, 2024

This blog post is NOT about the perils of looking down when you are hiking or climbing a perilous piece of rock or mountain- Instead, it’s about the alarmingly prevalent habit of people today to be walking, interacting, sitting in public or restaurants with friends or partners- and NOT looking at people, but LOOKING DOWN at their smartphones.

And what is the great draw? That’s a wonderful question and I am still trying to figure out the answer….just kidding: they are seemingly mesmerized.

Besides the fact that it is incredibly rude behavior to ignore the humans in your space, it is also quite dangerous: you could walk into traffic and not know it- you could walk into an elevator with strange people and not even peruse it to see if there is any threat!

It seems quite unbelievable that people could be that careless, but these are strange times for many different things- and the almost mystical appeal of smartphones has the population gripped in its clutch. And btw, the effect on one’s vision of all this screen time is just coming home to roost with many eye related problems occurring in ever younger demographics: it turns out it is not healthy to be constantly stimulated by the warm glow of the ever present smartphone.



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