August 8, 2024

Promises, promises, and more promises: let’s all have a good laugh together. It seems that so many promises remain unfulfilled, and I’m not sure if it’s a sign of the times, or that this was always the case- probably a bit of both.

Whatever the reason for this, I can’t believe how casually people promise things that they have no intention of delivering on: “I’ll text you tomorrow,” or “I’ll email you those figures right now!” And more than just creating expectations that are never realized, this behavior makes the promisor look like a blithering idiot.

Does anyone really care how they are perceived? I wonder, but apart from that- what impact do all these undone promises have on the welfare of the community? the country? the world? I can’t help feeling that these omissions contribute to much of the anxiety and polarization that exists today.

If more people fulfilled their promises-even the simple ones- would so much of the country need to be medicated through alcohol, anti-depression meds, or other forms of drugs? Think about it……



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