July 2, 2024

Yes it’s all about money on a certain level: believe me I understand how we all need to pay our bills- and that the cost of basic living, let alone a higher level, can be daunting.

But I still think it’s important to be mindful that this is only one facet of our existence, and that in the wider sense, we all belong to a singular universe that has absolutely nothing to do with money or the things it can buy. This is a hard thing to fathom when one is constantly inundated with images and stories of people and their seemingly amazing possessions- but those images and stories are MOST DEFINITELY not the true measure of anybody- nor do they really reflect the level of enjoyment anyone gets on a daily basis.

The other moderating factor (and it’s a big one) is that when one drops one’s body and moves on to a different level of existence (whatever and wherever that is) one cannot take any material possessions along for the ride!

At some point in human development (and I hope it’s soon) this has got to register on the collective consciousness- but unfortunately for many humans this realization and reckoning happens on one’s death bed and not before.

Wouldn’t it be amazing if more and more humans were aware of this throughout their lives?



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